PNG, etc will not work (for the initial insert). Save the picture in the folder as a BMP file. lots of pictures, and some folks never seem to be satisfied with the first try at their ugly mugs. I am using this to create a Pictorial Directory of the GwinnettSymphon圜horus. AND it allows you to change the source-picture just by saving a new copy of the picture in the hard drive folder.
I haven't checked but this should reduce the xls size bigtime if you have a lot of pics. But you can, if you wish, store the "library" of "fruit" picture objects as EXTERNAL LINKS to filename.bmp pictures on your hard drive. My prior rewrite of the instructions (post just after this) is correct. Now, whenever the fruit name in cell A1 changes (which is, in turn, based on the value in cell G1), the image will change. (This is the name you defined in steps 7 through 11.) The picture should change to reflect whatever fruit is named in cell A1.
In the formula bar, enter the formula =Picture. Make sure the picture you inserted in step 13 is selected. Display the Insert tab of the ribbon and use the Picture tool to select and insert a picture (it doesn't matter which one). On the worksheet that will contain your form, select the cell where you want the dynamic image to appear. You've now defined the name "Picture" to contain the formula entered in step 10. Replace the contents of the Refers To box with the following formula:. Replace the contents of the Name box with the word "Picture". Display the Formulas tab of the ribbon. For the sake of this example, I'll assume that you entered this formula in cell A1 of Sheet1. It is important that the formula reference the names exactly as you defined them in step 2 for each fruit's picture. On the worksheet that will contain your form, create a formula that will contain the names of the fruit, such as the following formula, which displays "apple," "pear," or "orange," depending on the value in cell G1:. (For the sake of this example, I'll assume that "pear" is cell D4 and "orange" is cell F4.) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each of your other pictures, placing each picture in a different cell and naming them according to the contents of the picture. Enlarge the width and height of cell B4 so that the picture of the apple is contained entirely within the cell. With cell B4 still selected, display the Insert tab of the ribbon and use the Picture tool to insert the picture of the apple. This defines the name "apple" to refer to cell B4. Enter the name "apple" into the Name box, to the left of the Formula bar.
On a new worksheet, select a cell (such as cell B4).The steps are involved, but not that difficult to perform once you get to it: This is certainly a challenging task, but it is one that can surprisingly be done without macros. For instance, if the form is describing an apple, then Dave wants a picture of an apple to appear if describing a pear, then a pear should appear and so on. Dave wants to include a bitmap image on the form that changes according to one of the variables. It consists of material samples, and he uses the VLOOKUP function to generate various forms and reports. Dave has a large database that he keeps in an Excel workbook.